On November 26, 2024, another Progress Meeting was held at the headquarters of the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute in Katowice.

During the meeting, project partners delivered presentations covering completed and ongoing work packages. Among other topics, the presentations included results of research on jigging-based mining waste separation, analyses of the obtained separation products, studies on plasma gasification of combustible fractions, and research on potential applications of mineral fractions, including the production of geopolymers. The presentations demonstrated the timely execution of planned research activities within the project.

Participants also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the equipment and extensive research capabilities of selected departments (laboratories) of the Institute. These included the Environmental Monitoring Department, the Energy Savings and Air Protection Department, the Solid Fuels Quality Assessment Department, and the Silesian Environmental Radiometry Center.

It was preliminarily agreed that the next project meeting would be organized in the spring of the following year by VSB Ostrava.



Progress Meeting in Katowice