Participating organisations:
- Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG – PL – Poland
- Główny Instytut Górnictwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy – PL – Poland
- Ústav stavebníctva a architektúry SAV, v. v. i. – SK – Slovakia
- Instytut Technologii Paliw i Energii – PL – Poland
- Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava – CZ – Czech Republic
- Politechnika Wrocławska – PL – Poland
- Haldex SA – PL – Poland

Instytut Techniki Górniczej – KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, is a state-owned research and development organization, subordinated to and supervised by the Ministry of State Assets. There are 155 employees, 105 of which are scientific research and technical specialists. The KOMAG’s scope of activity includes scientific, research and development projects – at national and European level – in the domain of minerals mining and processing; environment protection; work safety; air and ground surface protection. The projects’ results are also implemented in other domains. KOMAG’s great advantage are specialists whose competences are comprehensive and transferable to other branches of industry, which allows continuous tailoring of the Institute’s offer to market needs as well as participation in diverse projects. In the over 70-year history of KOMAG, about 4,500 inventions were reported for protection, also patent protection. All departments and infrastructure necessary for the Institute’s operation are in place (no outsourcing). It has own financial, administrative and HR departments; quality and knowledge management department (including technical library, and library of necessary standards); department for projects administrative and financial issues; departments for administrative and financial issues related with research work and IT department. All departments are equipped with hardware and software, as necessary. At the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology special attention is paid to the state-of the-art management methods, which are supported by the implemented and certified Quality Management System. The following standards are applied PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 and PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-03. KOMAG has many years of experience in national and European projects. In the last years KOMAG as the coordinator or consortium member has implemented the following projects:
1. Increase Efficiency and Safety Improvement in Underground Mining Transportation Routes INESI – Research Fund for Coal and Steel (2017-2020)
2. Productivity and safety of shield support PRASS III – Research Fund for Coal and Steel (2017-2020)
3. Information Driven Incident RESponse INDIRES – Research Fund for Coal and Steel (2017-2020)
4. Reducing risks from Occupational exposure to Coal Dust ROCD – Research Fund for Coal and Steel (2017-2020)
5. Sustainable Use of Mining Waste Dumps” – Research Fund for Coal and Steel (2019-2022)
Główny Instytut Górnictwa – Central Mining Institute (GIG) – POLAND, created in 1945 is a Polish scientific and development organisation, subordinated to the Minister of Economy working not only for the benefit of the mining industry, but also for enterprises representing different branches. GIG is engaged in problems of mining engineering, safety in mines and environmental protection in the hard coal mining sector. The multidisciplinary activities of the Institute comprise the following fields: mining engineering, geology and H2GEOlogy, geophysical engineering; combating natural and technical hazards in the mining industry; upgrading and utilization of minerals and reserves; and monitoring and environmental protection in areas of mining exploitation, especially industrial waste management, certification of equipment and materials. GIG has extensive experience of participating as partners and co-ordinators of applied research projects (such as RFCS projects e.g. FLOMINET, GEOSOFT, COGASOUT, MISSTER, HUGE, HUGE2 and ongoing Manager) and Framework projects. GIG extends network collaboration regarding sustainable mining and reconversion of post-mining into areas of socio-economic benefits. Therefore number of initiatives to increase implementation rate of the project results in Polish coal-mine sector have been composed. The Department of Post-Industrial Sites and Waste Management will lead the work. The Department comprise a multidisciplinary team of scientists in the area of mineral/coal processing, coal quality consultancies for coal utilization industries (mainly power industry), chemistry and technology of oil and coal, modelling and simulation of firing process, integrated solid waste management, municipal waste management, membranę separation of coalbed gases, environmental impact assessments, sustainable development.
The Institute of Construction and Architecture from the Slovak Academy of Sciences is well established as Research and Development Institute with renowned experience in the field of Civil Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Development of advanced computational methods for smart materials, Building Physics (Dayighting in buildings under artificial sky including, Light pollution in urban studies and planning), and Materials Research and Engineering. The main part of the R & D activities of the Institute is focused on the theoretical and experimental mechanics and dynamics, the theory of constructions of homogeneous and heterogeneous materials, mechanics of the systems of homogenous materials, the theoretical and experimental research of composite materials, including the study design and technological features and optimization of their engineering properties for possible areas of application in construction.
The Department of Materials and structures deals with the development of special cement composites, basic materials used in high performance concretes as promising alternative materials to metals, ceramics and other materials in long-term applications. The implementation workplace of the proposed project is involved in two Centers of Excellence CEKOMAT (Centre for Research and Development of Composite Materials for Structural Engineering, Construction and Medical Applications) and GEOTHERMY (Centre for Applied Research of Composite Materials for deep Geothermal.
In the last years, the Department of Materials and Structure ( as the principal investigator has implemented the following projects:
- 2/0064/12 Progressive ternary blended cement systems with high-performance properties for material technologies and hydrothermal conditions
- Composite materials for deep geothermy; P. Matiašovský (projekt ŠF č. 26240220014),
- The Cross Border Cooperation Program Slovakia – Austria project ENVIZEO “Applications of eco-cements CEM V (A, B) kind according to EN 197-1 in structural concrete”, cooperation with Building Testing and Research Institute –TSUS.
- VEGA 2/0097/17 (Study of hydration process and microstructure development in multi-component cementitious binders 1. 1. 2017-31. 12. 2020),
- APVV-15-0631 (Research on High Performance Cementitious Composites under hydrothermal conditions for potential applications in deep bore wells, 01.07.2016 -30.06.2020
- APVV-SK-KR-006 (Material and mechanical performance of heavyweight self- compacting concrete (SCC). 01.09.2018-31.12.2019).
- APVV-19-0490 Research and development of multi-component cementitious blends for special construction materials, 01.07.2020-
- VEGA 2/0032 Material composition and properties of Self-Compacting Heavyweight Concrete 01.2021-
- VEGA 2/0017 Study of the degradation of multicomponent cementitious materials due to carbon corrosion in conditions simulating geothermal wells 01.2021-
Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal (ITPE) is known as high-scientific level research institution since 1955. The main recipients of the Institute’s know-how are energy and coke-making industries, waste management, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises as well as government and self-government administration bodies. ITPE is the scientific back-up of Polish Industry with research and development related to fossil and renewable fuels, biomass, waste processing, by-product utilization, environmental protection in industrial and post-industrial activity, improving clean, environmentally safe fuel utilization, and products with special quality features.
The Institute participates in the realization of research projects of priority importance to economy, which are dedicated to the efficient use and environmentally friendly of fossil, renewable and alternative fuels. The competences of the Institute are focused on thermal processing of various fuels by means of combustion, gasification and pyrolysis. The key research areas of institute are also CO2 capture from flue and process gases, process gases cleaning and combustion. The institute is experienced in energy and mass balance of technological processes, modeling, simulation and optimization of processes and technologies, technical and economic analysis of investment and modernization projects. Within its structure, ITPE operate unique research infrastructure of Clean Coal Technology Center, which enables the performance of technological tests in technical and pilot scale to realize our scientific goals. Within our Institute we have a team of specialists with high competences, and knowledge. We have experience in many national and international projects, realized as the Leader and the member of consortium. Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal cooperates in the implementation of R&D projects with over 50 domestic and foreign research and development units.
Politechnika Wrocławska (eng. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) is one of the largest universities in Poland. In 2021, the university was ranked 3rd among the best technical universities in the country. More than 26,000 students’ study at universities and more than 4,000 employees work at 13 different faculties. The project will be performed by the Department of Mining ( located at the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology ( Research activities are carried out in the GEO-3M research center (, the construction and equipment of which was carried out as part of the project called ” Complex GEO-3EM – ENERGY ECOLOGY EDUCATION”. The building houses the Laboratory of Machine Systems in Mining, working on:
• testing of drives and construction of belt conveyors,
• optimization of the processes of operation and use of means of transport,
• process modeling using MES and DEM,
• robotization of technological processes in mining,
• mobile diagnostics using robots,
• monitoring, diagnostics and modeling of machines and environmental processes.
The Department of Mining deals with mineral enrichment technologies and waste management, measurements, monitoring and diagnostics of mining machines, mine design and reclamation, mining planning and optimization, the impact of mining on the environment and sustainable development. Currently, the department participates in and 7 international projects (MOIRA, MEITIM, AMICOS, SAFEME4MINE, OPMO, MAMMA, REMIX). International projects are created by European Union’s Horizon 2020, EiT Raw Materials and Interreg Europa 2014-2020. The DISIRE (Integrated Process Control Based on Distributed in situ Sensors into Raw Material and Energy Feedstock) project in 2020 was included in the list of 1000 modern technologies changing the world, by Solar Impulse Foundation. The Industrial and Natural Resources Economics team deals with issues related to the analysis of the raw materials market, social responsibility, sustainable development, economics of mining enterprises and assessment of the quality and life cycle of products. Research related to the reclamation of postmining areas, the impact of mining on the environment, carbon footprint analysis, waste management and mechanical and chemical aspects of mineral processing are carried out by the Mineral and Environmental Engineering Team.
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO), founded in 1849, is a Czech public university with a long tradition in high-quality engineering education and research. These traditional core values have been continually updated to reflect current state-of-the-art technologies and the ever-evolving needs of industry. VSB-TUO has strong links to industry and thrives on applied research, in cooperation with companies and institutions worldwide, in finding innovative solutions to modern day issues.VSB – Technical University of Ostrava in addition to faculties consists of University institutions, University departments and other workplaces. Higher education institutes and research center CEET (Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies), which consists of:
– ENET Centre
– Nanotechnology Center
– Institute of Environmental Technologies
– IT4Innovations – National Supercomputing Center
– Research Energy Center
ENET Centre has unique laboratory facilities and equipment. It is staffed with experienced researchers working on the development of a secure and reliable energy platform to ensure energy self-sufficiency and raw material self-reliance of a region or country. This is motivated by efforts to make an effective use of wastes, and maximum exploitation of local renewable resources. The concept is supported by energy accumulation means to control energy flows and uses sophisticated methods of artificial intelligence. The research and development is in accordance with the national and EU energy concepts, and ranks among technologies of Industry 4.0. ENET Centre also focuses on the priorities stipulated in Horizont 2020 and is preparing projects to meet the calls dealing with new technologies in renewable resources and energy accumulation, Smart Grids and Smart Cities. Solved projects:
• Research and development of a low-emission boiler without electrical connection working on the principle of biomass gasification (2021-2023)
• Energy Use of Solid Products from Thermal Processes (2019)
• Development of technology for the purification and treatment of synthesis gas (2017 – 2019)
• Combustion of selected alternative fuels research (2020)
• Development in the field of research on combustion of alternative fuels in fluidised bed (2017)
Haldex (HDX) is one of the steam coal producers in the eastern part of the Silesian Coal Basin in southern Poland. Technologies developed in HDX relate to hard coal recovery, aggregate production and reduction of environmental impact.
The main tasks related to carbon waste in HDX are:
– Production of hard coal
– Production of granular fuel from settling tanks,
– Production of aggregates based on mining waste from used road structures and post-mining areas.