
New technology for hydrogen and geopolymer composites production from post-mining waste:

The current situation on the fuel market, mainly related to the war in Ukraine, may cause interruptions in the supply of fuels and other raw materials, including building materials. Development of a comprehensive technology for the management of mine waste dumps is planned within the project. The main idea of the project is to use the separated mineral fractions and fly ash to produce geopolymer composites.

It is planned to use CO2 as a process carrier in the production of composites. Another important aspect of the project is to determine a possibility of obtaining Hydrogen from the gasification of energy fractions. High-quality raw materials for the production of geopolymers and hydrogen will be ensured by the use of an innovative mobile separator for processing of mine waste.

The project will enable the creation of environmentally friendly and economically justified installations using material from a post-mining waste landfill. Achieving the final goal will be possible thanks to the implementation of the partial goals set in the project, including the development of technologies dedicated to the production of geopolymers and hydrogen.

Project Aim

  • A reduction of mine waste deposited in dumps
  • A development of the method of using the carbon-bearing fractions recovered from the mine waste, for production of hydrogen
  • Research into feasibility on manufacturing geopolymers from mine waste
  • A development of comprehensive technology of mine waste dumps management.


Project News

Progress Meeting in Katowice

On November 26, 2024, another Progress Meeting was held at the headquarters of the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute in Katowice. During the meeting, project partners delivered presentations covering completed and ongoing work packages. Among other topics, the presentations included results of research on jigging-based mining waste separation,…Read More

Deliverable 3.1 “’Results of laboratory tests of mine wastes of jig beneficiation”

On September 30, a report on research conducted at the laboratory jig was posted on the RFCS portal – Deliverable 3.1 ‘Results of laboratory tests of mine wastes of jig beneficiation.’ The outcome of the work was the acquisition of input data for the design of a new device for…Read More

14-th Świętokrzyskie Mineral Processing Meeting

During the 14th Świętokrzyskie Mineral Processing Meetings, held on September 19-20, a paper was presented titled ‘Management of mining waste in the context of the circular economy,’ which included the promotion of the H2GEO project and the sharing of preliminary information about the ongoing laboratory research on jig-based enrichment of…Read More

7th Mineral Engineering Conference MEC 2024

During the 7th Mineral Engineering Conference MEC 2024, held in Wisła from September 16 to 18, 2024, one of the sessions on the second day was dedicated to two projects carried out under RFCS: H2GEO and HESS. A paper was presented showcasing the results of the physicochemical studies of mining…Read More

Laboratory Tests of Jig Beneficiation

Intensive work is underway as part of task 3.1 ‘Laboratory Tests of Jig Beneficiation.’ Currently, laboratory analyses of the obtained separation products are being conducted.      

Deliverable 2.1 “Rank of dumps regarding their use in the jig beneficiation process and hazards to the environment and man” and “Analysis results of testing raw mine wastes”

Two reports summarizing the work carried out under tasks T2.1 and T2.2 were posted on the portal. Deliverable 2.1 ‘Rank of dumps regarding their use in the jig beneficiation process and hazards to the environment and man,’ developed by GIG, contained data on dumps and their impact on the environment,…Read More

Circular Mine-Tech Scientific Conference

At the Circular Mine-Tech scientific conference, held in Gdańsk from June 3 to 6, key information about the H2GEO project was shared during the presentation on zero-waste management and in informal discussions.

Progress Meeting in Bratislava

On May 20-21, 2024, a Progress Meeting was held in Bratislava, organized by the Slovak research partner USTARCH. During the meeting, individual project participants presented progress in their ongoing work and discussed the next tasks planned within the project. The host also organized a visit to the laboratories of the…Read More

Providing samples to partners

Samples of the combustible and mineral fractions, separated using a laboratory jig at ITG KOMAG, are being progressively delivered to the partners for their planned analyses in T3.2. Additionally, samples of fly ash have been obtained for research on geopolymer production.

XXIV Mineral Aggregates Conference

Representatives from the project leader ITG KOMAG and the consortium member Wrocław University of Science and Technology participated in the cyclical Mineral Aggregates conference, which took place from April 17 to 19, 2024, during which the H2GEO project was promoted.

Preparation of Industrial Samples – HALDEX S.A.

The industrial partner Haldex S.A. prepared separate samples of the combustible fraction and the mineral fraction. The combustible fraction was transported to the ITPE and VSB partners for gasification tests. The mineral fraction was divided for ITPE, GIG, and KOMAG, where studies on various possibilities for utilizing this material will…Read More

Scientific and Technical Conference KOMEKO 2024

From March 18 to 20, the cyclical scientific and technical conference KOMEKO 2024, organized by the project leader, took place. The aim of the conference was to review the development directions of mineral processing systems, with a focus on the relationship between humans, machines, and the environment. During the presentations,…Read More

Meeting of the Technical Groups for Coal

On March 5, 2024, a meeting of the Technical Groups for coal with the leaders of RFCS projects, including the H2GEO project, was organized. The project manager, Dr. Eng. Piotr Matusiak, presented a report highlighting key information about the project, the consortium members, and the main objectives of the planned…Read More

Deliverable 1.3 “The comprehensive public overview of the project”

On December 29, another product was posted on the RFCS portal and on the project’s website – Deliverable 1.3 ‘The comprehensive public overview of the project’.

Kick-off Meeting

Within the International Scientific and Technical Conference KOMTECH – Mining Industry at the Age of Green Transformation – in Szczyrk there was a Kick-off Meeting starting officially the H2GEO project: New technology for hydrogen and geopolymer composites production from post-mining waste. Each of the project partners presented a short presentation,…Read More

Deliverable 1.1 “Communication and Dissemination Plan” posted on the RFCS website

The first Deliverable of the project – Deliverable 1.1 “Communication and Dissemination Plan” – was developed and posted on the RFCS website. The Communication and Dissemination Plan for H2GEO (CDP) will facilitate the coordination, synchronization of dissemination and communication activities in order to achieve the best possible awareness of the…Read More

The Grant Agreement for the H2GEO project has been counter-signed by the EU services

On 11.07.2023, the Grant Agreement for the H2GEO project was signed. The projected duration of the project is 36 months, with a completion date of 30.06.2026. Estimated Project Cost: €2,549,585.75 Requested EU Contribution: €1,529,751.45

KOMAG receives funding for the H2GEO project

KOMAG gets information that the proposal was positively assessed and that funding was obtained for the H2GEO project. Thus, the proposal has reached the stage of Grant Agreement preparation.